Aeronautics Composites Division

AVIO COMPOSITE SRL is specialised in producing products in composite laminates and plastic. It was established in 2010 and has a 500 square-meter plant with ten operational units and personnel with 25 years experience in the aerospace composites sector.

The company is divided into two principal sectors:

producing end-to-end composite products, involving special processes (lamination, polymer processing and finishing)

–  mechanical trimming and drilling processes using traditional methods


Phase 1

The majority of the materials used, have a limited life span and must be conserved at low temperatures in an industrial cold room. The -18°C cold room has a 12 square-meter capacity, while the 0°C cold room has a 10 square-meter capacity.

Phase 2

The lamination phase takes place in a 120 square-meter clean room that is certified by AleniaAermacchi: JST-D-105 (EF2000 CFC PROCESS SPECIFICATION).
The clean room is pressurised with temperature and humidity control.

Phase 3

The PANINI autoclave is certified by AleniaAermacchi: JST-D-105.
General notes on the machinery: effective diameter 1.6 meters; effective length 4.5 meters; design pressure 10 bar; working temperature 200 °C; data is recorded through a Eurotherm software review (3.11.7 version); data is inalienable and encrypted.
Autoclave equipment: 1 temperature sensor; 1 pressure transmitter; 2 ambient temperature sensors; 12 product temperature sensors; 1 autoclave pressure transmitter; 10 bag connection pressure transmitters; 10 bag connection pressure gauges.

Phase 4

The finishing phase takes place in an aspirated area.
For the trimming and drilling, traditional machinery is used, otherwise production is out-sourced.

Phase 5

We use gauges, marking gauges, comparators, micrometers, vacuum gauges, etc., which are calibrated by Thales Alenia, in the trial phase.
Stress tests and dimension reports are outsourced.

Our products

Processing method

We process polizene 1000, 6/6 nylatron, PTFE AMS3667 and other plastic materials using traditional methods.
We also provide the following polyurethane protective foam for aircrafts: MRCA, M346 ed EFA.


AIT 75720 e NTA 75762

AIT 75720
Features in polyester resin reinforced with fiberglass, manufacturing and control processes

NTA 75762
Manufacture of air ducts, laminates and sandwich construction using fabric-reinforced thermosetting resins

Qualifica JST-D-105

EF2000 CFC Process Specification
Production of parts made of composite materials (fiberglass and epoxy resin)

with limits for solid laminates made with fiberglass and epoxy resin in line with SPE-J-513-E-3023 requirements


C.so Garibaldi 207, 10078 Venaria Reale (TO)